Ceci proofing

Tim at jobber
Ceci and Tim are the Winka Press Design and Print team.
We are both artist-designers with BFA's,
Ceci from Kansas City Art Institute and Tim from Carnegie Mellon.
Ceci also has an MBA from Washington University.
We are both born and raised in Kansas City and have been running this small print shop since 2004.
Its always been our goal to provide functional, creative solutions at competitive prices.
In addition to our 12+ years of letterpress printing at Winka Press, we have many years logged in commercial design and production,
as well as printing fine art editions with plate and stone lithography.
That means we understand ink and paper - if a job is better suited to a different method, we'll be the first to recommend what we think is the best solution.
Check the contact page to start a project -
after we see the files and complete parameters, quotes typically same day.